It can often be the case that one person in a family has a vehicle insured for a number of years and built up a no claim bonus in their name. That is fine until a second vehicle is needed by a family member or the main proposer themselves, how does insurance work out then?
One of the issues in the Irish market is that if a no claim bonus/discount is built up, it is built up on one vehicle (leaving more complicated policies such as fleet or motor trade policies to one side) only. So if you suddenly need to insure a second vehicle, a lot of insurers will start the proposer from almost zero and not give any credit for the bonus that was built up on the first vehicle. So under what scenarios could a second vehicle be needed?
If any of the above scenario’s ring a bell, than contact us to see how we can help you, We have various options with our non standard insurers including the ability to ‘mirror’ a no claim bonus from a first vehicle to a second. contact our motor dept today on 0818919699 or fill in the contact form below and we will do all we can to get you on the road.