Insurance for convicted drivers

Insurance for convicted drivers Everyone makes mistakes. Whilst drink driving should never be condoned, what happens after you have served your time, changed your ways and wish to get insurance? Generally your existing insurer will not quote after a conviction. You can force your existing insurer to quote (which they are obiliged to do, if...

Been refused property or home insurance? We can help..

Been refused insurance cover for your property? You’re not alone.. We at have noticed a marked increase in those contacting us that have been refused property and home insurance cover. Some of the common reasons we see people been refused insurance cover for their home include: An insurer may have revised their acceptance area...

No no claim bonus? No problem..

No no-claim bonus? No problem.. There can be a number of reasons that you can find yourself without a no claim bonus for your motor insurance policy, such as: You have been outside of the country for a number of years and don’t have any proof of driving. You may have had a recent insurance...

Motor insurance for Convicted drivers

Insurance for convicted drivers Everyone makes mistakes. Whilst drink driving should never be condoned, what happens after you have served your time, changed your ways and wish to get insurance? Generally your existing insurer will not quote after a conviction. You can force your existing insurer to quote (which they are obiliged to do, if...

Work from home? Read why your insurance may be invalid..

Work from home? Your home insurance may be invalid.. Most of us that have a home, have some form of home insurance. But like all insurance products, home insurance come’s with terms and conditions attached, with the onus on you to disclose all relevant information to the insurer. One of the area’s that need to be...

Why you need motor trade insurance

Motor trade insurance, what is it and why do you need it? Motor trade insurance is a specialist insurance policy, that will give you the ability to drive all of your own cars & vans as well as your customer vehicles (this is called a road risk policy). Additional covers such as public liability, internal...

Why your home insurance may be invalid..

Why your home insurance may be invalid.. We all sign up for insurance products hoping they will provide peace of mind and expecting the cover to be there when we need it. But like all insurance products, house insurance come’s with terms and conditions attached, with the onus on you to disclose all relevant information to...

What to do when you cannot get motor insurance..

What to do when you cannot get motor insurance.. At any stage during your driving lifetime, you can find yourself shut out of the standard motor insurance market. It is not just those with driving convictions that can find it difficult to obtain motor insurance. You may have been unlucky to have a number of...

Insurance for flood hit area’s

Insurance for Properties after a flood claim A flood can cause catastrophic damage to a property, causing many thousands of euro worth of damage and can it can often take many months to repair the property. As well as physical damage, a flood event on your house or business can cause psychological trauma to those effected,...